VST Preset Generator

IDCategoryTask TypePrioritySeveritySummaryStatusProgress  ascDue In Version
36Backend / CoreFeature RequestMediumMediumGenerate many FXPNew
0.3.1 Task Description

(Request from “Da’ud Vyd”)

As a user of the commandline MIDI renderer “Mrs Watson” (https://github.com/teragonaudio/MrsWatson), I would like a way to generate many FXP file instead of a bank file (FXB), in order to avoid to save each FPX file individually (Mrs Watson accepts FXP files only).

2Backend / CoreFeature RequestVery LowLowRelease for Mac OSNew
Task Description

Build, test and release VPG for Mac OS platform.

5Backend / CoreFeature RequestMediumLowPreset MergeNew
Task Description

Can merge some presets to create a new one.

8Backend / CoreFeature RequestMediumLowBatch importing of VSTsNew
Task Description

Batch importing of VSTs (by folder probably).

Manage when one of the plug-in fail to load and also when a plug-in crashes.

9Backend / CoreFeature RequestMediumLowBetter preset namesNew
Task Description

Better preset names (funny random names?)

Currently the preset names are VPG #XXX with XXX a number.
The name could be generated randomly based on existing words or syllabes.

10Backend / CoreFeature RequestMediumLowVST 3New
Task Description

Add support for VST 3

11Backend / CoreFeature RequestMediumLowLV2New
Task Description

Add support for LV2 plug-ins.

13Backend / CoreFeature RequestMediumLowTranslation in many languagesNew
Task Description

Translate in more languages to help spread the software.

26Backend / CoreFeature RequestMediumLowCreate many FXP filesNew
Task Description

As a user I want to generate many program files (fxp) for one plug-in in one shot, in order to load them separately in the VST Host.

This feature is useful with chunk plug-ins when the bank saving is not implemented.

The File Type dialog could have a new radio button named “several program preset files (.fxp)” with a numeric box to provide the number of file to generate.

Then the file names could be incremented with an index. Example: if the user choose the file banana.fxp, then the generated files will be banana001.fxp, banana002.fxp,...

31WebsiteFeature RequestVery LowLowMissing favicon.ico and robots.txtNew
Task Description

The website does not have a favicon.ico file, neither robots.txt file.




32Backend / CoreFeature RequestMediumLowQuick search of parameter namesNew
Task Description

As a user of VST Preset Generator, I would like to quickly find a parameter by its name in order to avoid manual research in long list of VST’s parameters.

Solution suggested by Rodrigo Batt: add a search box as shown in the attached picture.

Other acceptable solution: allow row arranging by name.

34WebsiteFeature RequestMediumLowResponsive websiteNew
Task Description

Make the website responsive to let small devices navigation easy.

A framework like skeleton or bootstrap could be helpful.

37Backend / CoreFeature RequestMediumLowExport Preset Values in Text FileNew
0.3.1 Task Description

As a VST Plug-ins user I would like to export the value of a preset file in order to use it in another plug-in, to compare various implementations of the same effect.

Idea: add entry in preset context menu, after “Rename...” action.

(Request from Thierry Ecuvillon “VE PRO Studio”)

23Backend / CoreFeature RequestMediumLowVideo/Written TutorialsNew
0.3.1 Task Description

Create tutorials explaining the process to generate presets in VST Preset Generator.

Also a video tutorial is needed.

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