4 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | High | Low | Improve the VST-list management | Closed | |
0.3.0 |
Task Description
Improve the VST-list management:
16 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | High | Low | Update website and e-mail contact | Closed | |
0.2.6 |
Task Description
Since the move from Sourceforge to TuxFamily, the e-mail contact and website have changed.
The new website is http://vst-preset-generator.org and the e-mail is contact@vst-preset-generator.org
Hence all the reference to old contact address and old website must be updated.
The sourceforge website must also be updated to force the user to download from the new official website.
23 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Video/Written Tutorials | New | |
0.3.1 |
Task Description
Create tutorials explaining the process to generate presets in VST Preset Generator.
Also a video tutorial is needed.
35 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Medium | Medium | Change random method for all parameters does not set de ... | Closed | |
0.3.1 |
Task Description
When clicking on buttons to change the random method for all parameters, the values from previous action are kept.
The expected behavior is to get default value, except for the yellow “Everything random” button.
To reproduce: - load a plugin - change the value of a parameter, for instance min: 0.5 - click on “set normal method to all” (the red icon) - click on “set uniform method to all” (the blue icon) - the min value is 0.5, instead of the default value (0.0)
36 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Medium | Generate many FXP | New | |
0.3.1 |
Task Description
(Request from “Da’ud Vyd”)
As a user of the commandline MIDI renderer “Mrs Watson” (https://github.com/teragonaudio/MrsWatson), I would like a way to generate many FXP file instead of a bank file (FXB), in order to avoid to save each FPX file individually (Mrs Watson accepts FXP files only).
37 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Export Preset Values in Text File | New | |
0.3.1 |
Task Description
As a VST Plug-ins user I would like to export the value of a preset file in order to use it in another plug-in, to compare various implementations of the same effect.
Idea: add entry in preset context menu, after “Rename...” action.
(Request from Thierry Ecuvillon “VE PRO Studio”)
6 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Load preset values | Closed | |
0.3.0 |
Task Description
Load the values of a preset.
User case: open an existing preset and randomize some parameters of this patch to create a new one.
14 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Parameter names of non-chunk plugins | Closed | |
0.3.0 |
Task Description
Allow the user to set parameter names for standard method (non-chunk).
When the user load a fxb/fxp that doesn’t use the opaque method, then there is no information about the parameter names.
Two use cases:
The user can set the names manually.
The user can specify the “dll” file to get the names. If the user loaded a dll of a non-chunk plug-in, the current dll must be re-used. See mda plug-ins.
22 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Display the real value of parameters | Closed | |
0.3.0 |
Task Description
Currently, the value of the parameters is bound to [0;1], which is the value that is send to the VST API.
It’s not user-friendly, because this value will be translated by the plugin into meaningful value like ON/OFF or 1/2/4/8/16 for polyphony or a db value for volume.
So, as a user I want to see the real value of the parameter in order to better know the value that will be displayed in the GUI of the plug-in.
Technical note: use getParameterDisplay in the VST API to get this value.
29 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Keep random parameter values when switching VST plugins | Closed | |
0.3.0 |
Task Description
When the user double clicks on a VST Plugin name in the VST list, then the previous values of the parameters are lost.
User story: As a user I want to keep track of my previous random parameter values like val1 or val2 when I load an other plugin, in order to more easily manage many plugins at the same time.
30 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Medium | Low | Unknown characters after parameter names | Closed | |
0.3.0 |
Task Description
Some unknown characters appears after the parameter names in the parameter table.
To reproduce, open GLFO plug-in (from GStuffs) and observe the parameter names displayed in the parameter table. (see attached screen-shot)
33 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Keep value when switching random method from constant t ... | Closed | |
0.3.0 |
Task Description
As a user I would like to keep the same target value for constant random method and normal random method, in order to not lost this information when switching between them.
Let a parameter with “constant” random method and the target value of 0.1. When the user change the random method to “normal”, the middle value should be 0.1. Same behavior is expected when the user click back to “constant” random method.
3 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Release for Linux | Closed | |
0.2.8 |
Task Description
Build, test and release for Linux platform.
Possible linux release formats:
Beware of VST SDK. It must not be distributed freely. Maybe replace it by VeSTige (aeffectx.h)
27 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Medium | Low | Wrong chunk preset size | Closed | |
0.2.8 |
Task Description
The size written in the header of fxp/fxb files are wrong.
The computation of size misses the 4 octets that specifies the chunk size.
See VSTPresetTest unit tests.
28 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Medium | Low | EndiannessConverter fails with long values. | Closed | |
0.2.8 |
Task Description
EndiannessConverter failed with long values.
See EndiannessConverterTest::testfromBigEndian and EndiannessConverterTest::testToBigEndian.
12 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Windows Installer | Closed | |
0.2.7 |
Task Description
Create a Windows installer. The generation must be automated in the build.
Qt framework has build-in Windows installer.
The build script must generate following output:
windows installer for 32bit and 64bit version, each version could be a package that the user may select in the installer GUI. Obviously the 64bit version can’t be selected when the platform is 32bit.
Zip file of the binaries with documentation. Same as release 0.2.6.
Source of the code that have been used for this build (tar.gz ?)
MD5 and SHA1 sum of all the files
The version number musts be extracted from the vpg.pro file, and propagated to all installer packages. So a template mechanism must be implemented. The license file, roadmap and documentation must be dynamically generated and added to the packages.
18 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Medium | Very Low | Typo in french translation | Closed | |
0.2.7 |
Task Description
Fix typo in french translation, in “A Propos” dialog:
“...VOUS pour utiliser cet outils !” ⇒ “...VOUS pour l’utilisation de cet outil !”
19 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Very Low | Add Windows application information | Closed | |
0.2.7 |
Task Description
The current generated binary Windows exe does not have information about the version numbers, the revision, the application name, etc.
See qmake VERSION parameter: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmake-variable-reference.html#version
and the QMAKE_TARGET_* parameters: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmake-variable-reference.html#qmake-target
Using these qmake parameters will delete the current rc file. Hence the application icon must be handled by the RC_ICONS variable: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/appicon.html
20 | Website | Bug Report | Medium | Low | Website: missing meta tags | Closed | |
0.2.7 |
Task Description
The following meta tags are missing on the website:
<meta name="description" content="bla bla bla">
<meta name="keywords" content="xxx,yyy,zzz,abc">
<meta name="author" content="xxx yyy">
21 | Website | Bug Report | Medium | Low | Website: don't use file extension | Closed | |
0.2.7 |
Task Description
Remove “.html” extension in hyperlinks, as notified by the w3c.
24 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Medium | Low | Default bank's size must be plug-in max program | Closed | |
0.2.7 |
Task Description
As a user I want the default bank size to be the max number of program that the plug-in can handle in order to generate the maximum amount of random preset.
Note: in the GUI, the high bound must also be the max number of program of the plug-in.
15 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Medium | Low | Generation fails with plug-ins that does not support ba ... | Closed | |
0.2.6 |
Task Description
Plug-ins that does not support bank: currently nothing is generated.
There must be an error message to inform the user?
5 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Preset Merge | New | |
Task Description
Can merge some presets to create a new one.
7 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Medium | Low | Improve randomness | Closed | |
Task Description
Improve randomness
8 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Batch importing of VSTs | New | |
Task Description
Batch importing of VSTs (by folder probably).
Manage when one of the plug-in fail to load and also when a plug-in crashes.
9 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Better preset names | New | |
Task Description
Better preset names (funny random names?)
Currently the preset names are VPG #XXX with XXX a number. The name could be generated randomly based on existing words or syllabes.
10 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | VST 3 | New | |
Task Description
Add support for VST 3
11 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | LV2 | New | |
Task Description
Add support for LV2 plug-ins.
13 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Translation in many languages | New | |
Task Description
Translate in more languages to help spread the software.
17 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Unit Tests | Closed | |
Task Description
Add unit test to cover as much code as possible.
This include some refactoring to make the code testable. For instance MainDialog do too many things that must move in other classes: preset writing, settings, etc.
26 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Create many FXP files | New | |
Task Description
As a user I want to generate many program files (fxp) for one plug-in in one shot, in order to load them separately in the VST Host.
This feature is useful with chunk plug-ins when the bank saving is not implemented.
The File Type dialog could have a new radio button named “several program preset files (.fxp)” with a numeric box to provide the number of file to generate.
Then the file names could be incremented with an index. Example: if the user choose the file banana.fxp, then the generated files will be banana001.fxp, banana002.fxp,...
32 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Quick search of parameter names | New | |
Task Description
As a user of VST Preset Generator, I would like to quickly find a parameter by its name in order to avoid manual research in long list of VST’s parameters.
Solution suggested by Rodrigo Batt: add a search box as shown in the attached picture.
Other acceptable solution: allow row arranging by name.
34 | Website | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Responsive website | New | |
Task Description
Make the website responsive to let small devices navigation easy.
A framework like skeleton or bootstrap could be helpful.
25 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Low | Low | License filename is wrong | Closed | |
0.2.7 |
Task Description
The filename of the license file is “licence.txt”, which is wrong for english name. Replace it by “license.txt”.
Other places where “licence” is used instead of “license”:
Also check the website for similar mistakes and change the license.txt file encoding to UTF-8.
1 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Very Low | Sample Task | Closed | |
Task Description
This isn’t a real task. You should close it and start opening some real tasks.
2 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | Very Low | Low | Release for Mac OS | New | |
Task Description
Build, test and release VPG for Mac OS platform.
31 | Website | Feature Request | Very Low | Low | Missing favicon.ico and robots.txt | New | |
Task Description
The website does not have a favicon.ico file, neither robots.txt file.
Ref: https://www.w3.org/2005/10/howto-favicon